Kelly, who is originally from Atlanta, Georgia, has been living in Great Falls since 2013, with her husband, James, and three children (twin boys, Fleming and Howard and daughter, Charlotte), all of whom keep her busy! She has been a barre{tender} at studio barre since we opened our doors in 2018.
Growing up in Atlanta, Kelly danced classical ballet from the age of 3, through high school, and into college. She still takes adult classes when time allows. She has had her STOTT Pilates certification since 2008, barre certification since 2012, and group fitness certification since 2014.
Kelly’s favorite food is salmon. It can be cooked so many ways! Her favorite drink is either coffee, water, or wine (depending on time of day! Ha!). Her favorite exercise to take and teach is single leg extension pulling off the barre and she finds seated pretzel an amazing challenge! When taking Kelly’s classes, be prepared to sweat lots and embrace ALL the shakes! She is one tough cookie!